Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Critical Thinking Blog#1

Helo my name is Fatoumata Camara from the Ivory coast ,it is in west Africa.I'm a pessimistic person because i don't like technology that much.Technology  is making our life so easy it is not good for us because we have to do something about this world if the technology do everything for us so what are we going to do then. We human are what we are God created us because he want us to learn what is the meaning of life but we don't want to learn  because the technology can do that for us. Now Robots are the one doing many thing for us example the robot that clean the house. we are being lazy  leaning the  house is women job you have to clean it with your hands why did God give you hands it is because he want you to do something with it.It is not easy for machine to get consciousness like us because they don't think like the way we human think they are just machine that was created by human so we can't be the same machine don't have brain or mind they just machine . Human were created by God so that mean we are living thing. I'm   a humanity person because i don't like science and i don't like the way they think,they have different idea they don't even sometime have the right answer for they research so i don't want to be a science person. "The study of how to make computer do things at which, at the moment,people are better"(Kurzweil 143)   this quote mean people are who make the computer and we are good on making computer do thing so for me we don't need robots to do everything for us. I don't like robots doing many thing for us and the technology we don't need anything from them us. We can do it our self. life is easy but we make it hard. No Robot in my house or job.I want my children to  do things in they own when they ground up i do not want technology to do it for them. they have to learn what is life about and the beauty of it when they do they own thing like doing their homework on they own not a robot  or computer to do it for them. I don't even know if someday robots are going to be  the  one to take us where we want to go  like cars,buses, and trains because i know people are capable of everything.                

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