Thursday, September 30, 2010

Research paper

i dont know how to do research paper but i will get help from people who know how to help me with my research paper.i'm not a movie person but will  do my best so that i can do better in my first research paper.  I think i will write about mental illness  because i know many thing about mental illness. help me people i need help for real. i still didn't find any topic yet wow i don't believe this research is that hard maybe if i had a topic it could be easy for me.


  1. Maybe you might want to do Idea #2 - Reading Oliver Sacks / Humanism vs. Science @ Minds ... it deals with oliver sacks essays and brain disorders

  2. there are very good documents on mental illness in the wiki thing... you can look for something in there.. also in the psychology book we are using there are a lot of good studies and information!!! good luck with your paper! :)
