Thursday, December 9, 2010

F pst

My class had help me a lot with my essay but is is very crazy the way i thought this cklass was going to be was very diffrent because the research that i did was my first time to do this jkind of thing but i'm happy to be in this class and the prof is so nice .for the next people who will take this class just be ready and do all your works on time so you can be free de last day you don't have to worry about doing your paper at the last minute that is not a good idea.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

critical thinking#5

In my word nothing had change about the way i think about human cloning robots and other technology. I still don't like the way this world is going to. cloning is bad i don't like at all and i will never let my self be a clone if anything happen that is what good want i believe god so he created it one unique so i will always be unique in my own way.Robots i don't like them they and what i eat or play with. how can something that was created by human be more important than my self i have hand to do my work so i don't need no robots to do them for me.I'm more humanities seen i know my self i never like science. me and science never go to the same way. i do not like research and many people who are scientist like to do research they even go to some place that are very dangerous. I have the same feeling for technology i don't want it but what can i poor girl do about what rich people do i don't have power to stop the technology working.Because of the technology everything had change the way we talk, write ,read and do more thing. as it say in the course pack book Is Google Making US Stupid (19). i say yes it is making us  a loser now we can't do anything without Google or Texting and making phone calls. This is because all those technology was invented. The English book it talk about human cloning that make people killed them self and their clone brother that mean A Number is the tittle of the book.B1 is a real man and his clone brothers who he doesn't like so he kill B2 who was the one the father like the most. the father Is salter who decide to make his son clone and had cost him his loves one who are B2 and B1 they all dead. so the father try to go to Micheal who is other clone of his son but Micheal doesn't know him and he is living his life happily with his family.In the computer now you can talk to robot who think they are smart than human how can something that was created by human who can be more smarter than us that is crazy i know computer are not that bad they help you find what you want but that is crazy cause we can do that thing by our self if we want to. my thought had change about the mind and body problem i use to think that our mind and body are two think that work together but i was wrong according to the read and writing that i have done in all of my classes. I had some difficulty when i first begin this semester  but now I'm good .  this semester was my first time to write research paper. i think i will pass all my classes because I'm not doing that bad in them .robots ,human cloning and technology are my enemies but i dont no choose not to use computer because without computer typing paper i can't pass my college essay so i have to use that one thing,cloning is my own idea no can force me to do my clone cause i will say no,and the robot i will never use them in life.

Critical thinking #4 A Number by Caryl Churchill

Human Cloning is what i call a stupid idea from people who are making it. I do not like human cloning at all because it does not make sense how can a human being create other person who was not created by God. Salter who is the father to B1 who is the real human and the other one are not human they are just clone created by human being.B1 who is the real son doesn't like the way his father act.B1 father Salter clone hi son. He wanted one clone but the doctor made like 20 of them.B1 and B2 where living with they father but not at the same time. salter like B2 more then B1 when B1 was a child he used to cry to call his father but they father don't listen to him and sometime the father go out  and leave the son home so B1 was taking away from him from social worker.So that was when he decide to make his son clone who is B2 but he didn't know that they made a lot of them so by the time he  knew he wanted to sue   the man who did the clone but the problem is the old  man is dead.It is not right to do therapeutic cloning. The author say "You know when i used to be shouting. No  when i was there in the dark.I'd  be shouting no Yes I'd be shouting dad dad dream  or shouting on and on" (Churchill 168), this quote show that salter didn't care about his real son. The mother killed her self because the father used to abused her.B2 was afraid of B1 because he doesn't like him. the author write As in leaving the country. for what for a a week or two a holiday,i don't leaving going on yes i don't know going away,i don't want to be here"(churlchill 175).all this show that B2 is afraid of B1. human cloning is not the solution to our problem in this world so don't wast your money on those kind of thing just give it to people who need it so no more clone in this beautiful world.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Critical thinking #3

Human cloning is what is about you again.Human clonning is a very bad thing to me i don't like it at all.We are born to one or twin from your mama not from a machine that make you. cloning to be is something that look just like you but it is not in person like it say in the course pack the auther say"A twin woulbe be a surprise but a number"(Churchill ,148). that mean not one cloning was made but a lot of them was made and the son is not happy about that.cloning is so bad for me  cause it is like you briging some one in life again and that is not our job it is God who can do that. the way clone are made look so crazy and the way they give them food is nasty i don't want to be a clone never ever i will write at in my will so that my people will never put that in their mind.why i don't like cloning because when you die and someone want to back maybe he or she will make ur clone and that is going to be u in clone.we are unique and why do somepeople want to make clone of you. for example the video in LIB class show us that the man whose wife die and he is the one who created the clone he didn't want to make his wife clone because he want to give up on his job and the young man killed him because the doctor say no more doing the cloning job.Cloning is not a happiness but it is a disater to me i don't like it.My cousin who die in car accident i love her so much and i miss her but i will never make her clone because the clone safer so bad when they are being made.